Poopin’ Rules & Regs

We, the International Association of Poopin’ Rules & Regulations (IAPRR) governing body, hereby define and document the Poopin’ Rules. Curious about the definition and history of Poopin’? Visit our historical archives.

  1. Acts of Poopin’ must be inflicted via a mobile device. Computers are off-limits.
  2. Don’t go into detail.
  3. Be brief.
  4. Accept defeat with grace and dignity.
  5. Be nice. It’s supposed to be fun, don’t ruin it!
  6. Poopin’ is best left for public venues. Your home is your castle, and your workplace is no place for mistrust.
  7. If you don’t play nice, it’s open season. You will not be protected by these rules.

Poopin’ Rules is a site by Brian Warren. I am @bw@typo.social on Mastodon and @brianmadeatweet on Twitter. Thanks for playing!

Typefaces from The League of Movable Type. Hand Model: Dan Cederholm.

© Be Good Not Bad.